2021 Monthly Revenues
Jan. 550,180 32.74%
Feb. 450,898 21.34%
Mar. 509,835 38.29%
Apr. 535,509 26.33%
May. 542,504 25.32%
Jun. 532,048 22.82%
Jul. 549,009 14.51%
Aug. 635,026 32.57%
Sep. 649,483 28.41%
Oct. 593,682 18.98%
Nov. 618,132 20.63%
Dec. 596,010 26.94%
TOTAL 6,762,316 25.46%
* Please refer to MOPS’announcements for actual number.
** Starting 2013, TSMC prepares financial statements in accordance with TIFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed in R.O.C.), ANPEC will report only consolidated financial figures from January 2013.

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